Few tips for simple life

  1. Eliminate stress in your day. Create a morning routine that will influence the rest of your day in a positive manner. I write in my gratitude journal and read from a spiritual text. I’ve recently added meditation into my morning routine. Benefit: More peace and calm throughout your day.
  2. Complain less. Currently, the biggest complaint I hear is about the price of gas. You can’t control the price of gas but you can control how much gas you use. For the next three weeks stop complaining about gas. Learn to use only what you need. When you catch yourself complaining begin your three weeks over again. Benefit: Increased personal power, appreciation and happiness.
  3. Say ‘yes’ less. Over extending yourself complicates your life. Learn to tell others no when you don’t want to do something. Memorize and repeat this line as needed, “No, that’s not going to work for me.” Pause for five seconds afterwards. You don’t owe anyone a reason or an excuse. If the person persists, repeat it again and pause again. After the second time, the person will get your message. Benefit: Increased self-esteem, self-respect and more time to do what you love.
  4. Give less time to the media. Life is difficult enough without unnecessary negativity. Go on a media fast. If you’re afraid of being uninformed about current events, ask somebody, “What’s new?” If you can’t cut the media out completely, watch, read or listen to the news one day a week. Benefit: You’ll fear less about your future and spend more time living in the present, feeling calm and peaceful.
  5. Spend less time online. Too much of anything isn’t a good thing. Learn to be present with the people in your life. When I’m having a face-to-face conversation in a check-out lane my phone is in my purse. If I answer my cell phone when a daughter calls, I walk away from my computer. When we eat dinner our phones and computers aren’t invited. We don’t work after a certain time each night. Everyone’s needs are different. Eliminate digital distractions and be more present with those you love. Benefit: Increased communication and intimacy in your primary relationships.
  6. Want less. Learn how to love and want what you have. Instead of wanting more material things, express gratitude for your eyesight, hearing, and the ability to breathe. Instead of wanting a perfect body, appreciate the beating of your heart. Awareness increases abundance. Benefit: The ability to recognize you have everything you need and live a more meaningful life.
  7. Fill your life with people you love. Eliminate toxic relationships. If someone isn’t bringing you up they’re bringing you down. Detach and surrender the relationships that aren’t working for you. To make this transition easier silently repeat to yourself, “I bless you. I release you. I set you free. I allow you to be you and me to be me.” Benefit: Time and space for healthier, more meaningful and loving relationships.

Source :  http://bemorewithless.com/7-ways-to-simplify-your-life/ 

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